Partner Type:
- Technical integration
- Assessment
- Higher education
- Professional education
- Online tutoring
Ans is a hybrid digital and on-paper exam and assessment tool for educators. Provided as a SaaS solution, Ans is a flexible and rapidly developing web platform.
Born of demand for modern, user-friendly and flexible digital examination tools among students and educators, 'The satisfying grading platform' now provides satisfying workflow benefits for 75.000+ educators across the Benelux, UK and the US. We are proud to be the e-examination tool of choice for an increasing number of leading Dutch universities, and with roots in a world-leading technological university, Ans understands the complexities of digital examination in the sciences well.
Ans puts the workflow and experience of students and educators centre stage.Convert a digital test to on-paper and vice versa with the click of a button! No matter the type of exam, design, grade and publish feedback online. Save time, collaborate with colleagues, and gain valuable insights for improving your education.